“…the reader is lead through each episode of the parallel story line between the protagonist’s experiences with considerable ease,” (James Burt, Foreward Clarion Reviews).
“…the reader is lead through each episode of the parallel story line between the protagonist’s experiences with considerable ease,” (James Burt, Foreward Clarion Reviews).
“‘Home Again’ is about coming to grips with senseless death and life hardships amid the worst of human conditions”…
In April 1862, General William Tecumseh Sherman’s camp was located near Shiloh Church in southwestern Tennessee. Shiloh, from the Hebrew word for “place of peace”, became the epicenter of the Battle of Shiloh.
“Zach’s and Luke’s paths cross near Lee’s HQ June 29, 1863” (from the novel ‘Home Again’, to be published in late summer 2014)
“From 300 yards high atop a tree, Zach wounds Albert Sydney Johnston who dies shortly after.” (from the novel ‘Home Again’, to be published in late summer 2014)